Monday, January 17, 2011

Monday, November 29, 2010--Rollercoaster

¿Cómo estan ustedes? ¡Yo estoy muy bien, gracias por preguntar!

[TRANSLATION: How are you? I'm fine, thanks for asking! -- Eds.]

This week was good . . . if you like roller coasters. I have grown to like roller coasters, so it was okay.

On Wednesday we taught Jorge and Pia the law of
tithing. They accepted what we taught them, but Jorge wold not give us a firm commitment that he would live the law of tithing. We have had to keep pushing back his baptismal date because of things like this. . For example, he also wasn´t willing to give up

drinking green tea. However, we had a lesson with them on Friday. In this lesson Jorge got kind of mad at us and said something to the effect of, ``I want to get baptized! I am willing to pay my tithing and I have stopped drinking tea.´´ We had to tell him that it was our job to make sure that he is ready for baptism and that the time before he wasn´t willing to live the commandments. The Spirit has definitely been working hard on humbling and changing him. Both Jorge and Pia will now be baptized on the 11th of December.

Later that same night, we went to talk to Raquel. This week we found out from Raquel that her
inactive-member ``husband´´ wants to be married in the Catholic church after they get married civilly for her baptism. This would mean that she would be making covenants in the Catholic church after making covenants in Christ´s church, essentially denying the
authority thereof. We had to tell her this and help her understand. In our lesson with her, she voiced a lot of doubts about the Book of Mormon and other things that she has had a testimony of for over two months. Her husband has been planting doubts in her heart. For now, she is praying and reading to rediscover her testimony, but she does not have a baptismal date. That lesson was horrible. I felt so sad afterward that her husband had made her forget her testimony

Then on Saturday, we had a baptism! I love baptisms. Saturday evening, Dangela Rojas was baptized. (Her mom´s uncle was named a member of the Seventy in the last conference.) The baptism was beautiful.

Yesterday was wonderful, as is every Sunday. After lunch
Elderzone so that he could do a baptismal interview. After the interview, we had a zone activity in that area. Every missionary in our zone (we have twenty missionaries in our zone) went to their area and for two and a half hours we contacted, knocked doors, and did other aspects of missionary work in their area.

So, as for the roller coaster. This week we had one of the high points of a
mission--seeing someone take the step towards salvation and be baptized. We also saw a low point--seeing somebody who had a testimony lose it, or let someone influence them to leave the truth.

I love my mission!!!

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