Friday, September 23, 2011

Monday, August 8, 2011—The Book of Mormon—A Powerful Tool

I am doing very well and am loving the work. This is a very short time that I have to serve the Lord with "all my heart, might, mind and strength." Every day I realize more and more how short the time is that I have. I do not want any time to merely "pass by." This is the Lord´s work and I am but a tool in his hands. I know that I have a lot to improve on and I am working hard to be able to do it.

One evening this last week, we were visiting a member and she started to talk about qualities that she respected in people in general and in members. She talked about honesty and love among other things. However, what hit me was what she said about "doing things thoroughly." She said that when people are given an assignment they should do it thoroughly and even better than expected. I started thinking about that a lot this week. I asked myself "I am doing my job thoroughly?" As I have thought about all these things, I have felt a stronger desire to work hard and do a thorough job.

In Preach My Gospel it says that The Book of Mormon truly is the most powerful tool that we have for conversion. Every chance that I get, I testify of the truth of the book and its history. In the street and in houses I always challenge people to read and pray, because I know that by doing so (with a true heart and real intent) they will receive a testimony of these things. However, my story from this week is a rather personal one. There is an Evangelical man (pastor, we believe) named Juan in our branch limits. Every time he sees us, he comes to us to try and contend. He has brought up arguments and points. He has quoted the bible to us for over ten minutes, telling us how we are wrong (he truly has a great knowledge of the bible, but his understanding is small). Well, our "confrontations" with Juan this week have been very interesting. Every chance he gets, he tries to destroy our faith and beliefs. Despite all those things, none of them have been able to affect my testimony. Why? –Because I know that The Book of Mormon is true. The Lord has answered my prayers many times and confirmed the truthfulness of that book.

In the letter, dad talked about not having very much missionary success. As I quoted above, The Book of Mormon truly is the most powerful tool that we have for conversion. Along with that, the members are so very important and need to be involved. As a mission we have a little piece of paper that we call "la lista" or the list. We missionaries, or the ward missionaries, visit each member and present them with the list. We tell them that is a family mission plan. They fill the list with names of friends, loved-ones and neighbors --- all those aren´t members (or are inactive). We then tell them to put it in a place where it can be seen (like the fridge). It is now their responsibility to pray for the revelation of how to help those people to receive the Gospel. In my mission, I have combined the list with The Book of Mormon. In a visit with members, we watch a few videos including one called "By small and simple things" which is about a young woman giving a BOM to a friend. We then invite the members to give a BOM to a friend. This has worked very well for us. I hope it helps you.

Yesterday was a very sad day. None of our investigators came to church. It makes me so sad. We work and pray so hard all week and they even promise to come to church. However, when Sunday comes, they don´t. Hopefully this next week will be better.

Cecilia and Tamara are still struggling with the cigarettes, but I have hope and faith that they can give them up.

Got to go. Love you all. I love my mission!

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